I Am Josh A

I am learning to use Front-End and Back-End technologies along with UI/UX design techniques

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I am developing my skills in

Photoshop design and UI/UX layouts for websites and mobile applications


At my current stage of creating concepts, I like to think about what the end user will be experiencing. My idea's are to make their experience worry free and the needed information readily available.


As a beginner with UI/UX design, I love experimenting with transforming the elements and utilizing as much space on the webpage to create an experience for the end user.

Visual Design

As a beginner of using Photoshop, I like to write out the details of what the design should look like. I like to draw inspiration a variety of sources instead of other creators.


Along with the user experience, I want to connect the users with the designers. This allows me to take in real input and apply it to the products I create. It helps involve the users of designing and making webpages and applications better.

  • Clients
  • 1
  • Awards
  • 0
  • Hours Studied
  • 1280
  • Projects Completed
  • 4

My Creative Process

All of my UI/UX and design projects are based off of a practice formula to get the result that I am looking for.


Discuss the project

I think about what the project is, and how is it going to help its end users.


Brainstorming & Concept

We talk about the functionality of the project. Garner all ideas, and look at what concept works with each other. The goal at this stage is to create a mockup of the project.


UI/UX Planning

This stage entails the end user experience. I like to think of how the layout will interact with each other based on the user perspective.



This is where I like to think about the end user experience all around. From start to finish, including any suggestions they have to make the application better. This in turn can lead to a better experience for future users.